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Acting Together to Protect Our Biodiversity

Today, let's commit to protecting our biodiversity, not only to preserve the beauty and balance of nature, but also to ensure a sustainable future for all forms of life on Earth. Every species counts, every action counts. Together, let's preserve life on Earth.

International Day of the Tree

With knowledge and collective commitment, we can make a difference. Let's embrace our responsibility to future generations and commit to protecting our green heritage. Together, let's make every day Arbor Day by taking concrete steps to preserve our environment and promote a greener, healthier planet.

The Southern African Youth Forum (SAYoF)

The Southern African Youth Forum (SAYoF) in partnership with WWF and Climate Hub Tanzania organized a specialized training program on climate negotiators with a focus on inclusivity in Tanzania as a series of activities in the Environment and Climate Change cluster.

African Climate Activists Network | ACA Network

Our network brings together individuals and organizations committed to promoting sustainable practices, advocating for climate issues across the continent, and influencing positive environmental policies.

  • Promoting Sustainable Practices;
  • Advocating for Climate Issues;
  • Building a Collaborative Platform;
  • Influencing Positive Environmental Policies;
  • Empowering Change Agents;

Our Partners

The ACA Network relies on local, public, national and international partners for the success of our activities and the achievement of our objectives